Oliwia dziedzic – stypendystka „mazowieckiego programu stypendialnego dla uczniów szczególnie uzdolnionych”

„Mazowiecki program stypendialny dla uczniów szczególnie uzdolnionych” – najlepsza inwestycja w człowieka, to program skierowany do uczniów zdolnych w zakresie przedmiotów przyrodniczych, informatycznych, języków obcych nowożytnych, matematyki i przedsiębiorczości. W tym roku szkolnym uczennica klasy VII a – Oliwia Dziedzic realizowała projekt z języka angielskiego pod kierunkiem pani Agaty Dróżdż. Poniżej zamieszczamy krótką notatkę w języku angielskim przygotowaną przez uczennicę naszej szkoły w ramach realizacji projektu. Gratulujemy sukcesu i życzymy owocnej pracy w kolejnym roku szkolnym.

My name is Oliwia Dziedzic. I am a student of Primary School number 5 named after John Paul II in Pionki. I participate in the project „Mazovian scholarship program for particularly gifted students – the best investment in a person”. I would like to introduce to you the figure of Stanisław Moniuszko – a Polish composer, author of over 268 songs, many operas, operettas, ballets and church music. Stanisław Moniuszko was born in Belarus, near Minsk, on the Ubiel estate. He came into the world on May 5, 1819 in a noble family. His father – Czesław Moniuszko of the Krzywda coat of arms, was a landowner, once served as a captain in the Napoleonic army, his mother – Elżbieta Madżarska, came from a Hungarian family. In 1827 he moved with his family to Warsaw. When he was 8 years old he began to learn music with the organist at the local Holy Trinity Church. Three years later they moved to Minsk, where Stanisław continued his education. In 1837 he went to Berlin to continue his education in music. He graduated in 1840, then settled in Vilnius, where he was the organizer of musical life in the city. In 1858 he once again moved with his family to Warsaw, where he gained a job as an opera conductor and from 1864 he became a lecturer at the Music Institute in Warsaw. Unfortunately, in 1872 he died of a heart attack. The funeral of Moniuszko became a national manifestation.